Saturday, March 26, 2011

Always an Adventure

Today I decided that we needed to get out and go on one of my ever wonderful "adventures". Everything is this country is an adventure going to find food, driving, crossing the street, you get the point. So I am on the hunt for a lithium ion camera battery (for a camera I do not have yet). We cannot ship lithium ion batteries over here amongst a million other products that would make me happier. Since neither hubs or I can read Russian or Tajik we just decided to strap the kids in and walk around the shops, sending one of us in to look around. Well not batteries to be found but I did find the camera I want. Surely it was stolen from another country and brought here like every other decent product. We did not buy it, but I think I might.
We also went into a Turish furniture store which was had some pretty tables but def out of our budget, still wondering who is this country can afford to buy these things?!?!
During all of this H decides that he is hungry surprising because we had been out of the house an hour and he had had a bag of goldfish and fruit snacks. So to blow my "diet" we went to SFC kinda of like KFC but much worse and its the only "fast-ish" food. By fast I mean it takes less than a half hour to get your food.
After lunch we went to the green market to pick up some veggies because I want to make tacos tomorrow. Well its a mad house but thats to be expected. People begging for money (supposedly they work for the mafia so we are not supposed to give, but sometimes I just feel led to and others I don't and feel guilty later) Today is one of the guilty later times. We saw a man digging out of the trash can for food and drink, I felt very led to give him a bag of goldfish I had on me, at least it would have been clean. But, I didn't and now I feel bad. I am always praying for a way to help people here,  but I have not found it just yet. Oh so the market yep I am sure we were ripped off when we bought tomatoes but we were tired and I just didn't feel like arguing and its warm and the dead animals everywhere kinda stinks so off we went to the indoor market to buy beef.
4 stores later hubs found meat, cola, beer, cauliflower, rage and a headache. Lucky for me the boys were sleeping so I got to relax in the car and watch people do the strangest things while driving. Like make left turns from the far right lane, double and triple park so people are blocked in for hours waiting for people to move their cars.
Well now time for something productive tonight: bake cookies and really finish my research paper because its due tomorrow.

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